2021 Convention Young Worker Workshop
Zoom 683 North Mountain Road, Newington, CTAccess Passcode: .4mUbG5Y
Access Passcode: .4mUbG5Y
Access Passcode: 4VW29!T6
Link: https://aflcio.zoom.us/rec/share/hxw7jtKabs1llXHwkRJEeXdSN_wLLWfrCURE6ZSilyKovRRjxNKKeeDg6eVOyNko.3qA8HgkyTLNrQi0I Passcode: y1S1?PtH
For more information: 2022 WMD Scholarship Essay Contest Flyer Deadline: April 1st 2022
<img src="http://sswp.prometheuslabor.com/wp-content/uploads/2022-Steve-Schrag-at-Kleen-Energy-Memorial-2-6-2-300x200.jpg" alt="" width="300" height="200" class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-1083"
April 4, 2022 Sisters and Brothers, Due to following the SARS-Cov-2 guidelines over the last two years and in the interest of protecting our members and friends, we were unable to hold in person events. Finally, it looks like we’re turning the corner. If things change, we will notify you, but at this time we …
To RSVP, go to the following link https://tinyurl.com/OSHAListens2022 The event will take place from 6 PM to 8 PM EST over Zoom.